How did it get to be this late in November? I know for a fact that we just celebrated the fourth of July the other day. Then a day later the babies were born and they are getting too close to being two months old.
Tomorrow is our oldest daughters birthday. She was born on a Tuesday and we went home for her first Thanksgiving dinner. When we pulled into the driveway my brother Jack ran out and said "So you named her Helena, we call Tiffany 'Tif' so what are you going to call her?"

This is her birth story. I wrote it on a piece of paper towel the day after she was born.
"My dear little Helena. It has been a very quick 8 months since we first heard about you. You were a very much loved baby long before you even showed me any signs of life. I want to tell you about this "labor of love" we went throught to get you here.
I woke at two AM Tuesday morning and shortly began to feel pains - which persisted until we left home around 9 AM. Your father helped keep track of the pains about 30 minutes apart. When they got to 20 minutes we left home- which was good, since around Aguila (20 miles from the hospital) you then became more urgent and the pains slipped to barely 5 minutes apart. We came to the hospital, they sent us back to the doctor. He sent me straight back out to the hospital. Then the contractions came every minute. Long, hard pains. I think I scared your father as I was hurting so badly. Yes, dear, birth pains are the most intesnse hurt you will probably every feel, but it is worh it. Your father gave me a blessing, he told me my pains would ease and you would come soon. Less than 2 hours later you took your first breath and uttered your first sceam of protest. My pains were eased, only a little, but I was able to sleep between pains.
When I said you are special I meant that in many ways. To your father and I you are an important part of us, so much love, along with pain. But it will be only a little pain. The kind you have when you are growing. To the Lord you are a special part of his plan, and you are his spirit child.
Also, Helena, to yourself you should be special. Be the best person you can be. Love the Lord and show the world his light.
When they cut the cord and released you from being a part of me, right then I knew you would be an individual. And I pray that we will treat you like you are an important individual."