A week ago Monday I went to Mesa to meet Jesse to help him buy meat for the wedding. I planned on buying paint to redo my big bathroom. It has been purple for over 3 years and wanted to spruce it up. Jesse went home and I continued doing a little shopping. Jesse called and asked if dad had called and told me about the water leak in the little bathroom. He hadn't so I called home and decided I better get home to find out what was going on.
Apparently the moisture build up in the bathroom had nothing to do with 6 adults taking showers. There was a hole in the ceiling and a very visibly broken pipe. Craig was covered with dust when I walked into the bathroom and he told me that it looked like he would stay home over the weekend and work on the bathroom while we went to Safford to Jason's play. I told him that I would have to stay home with him and work on the other bathroom and we could get a lot done. We would send the kids with G'ma and have the house to ourselves.
He turned off the water to that part of the house, which meant we could use the other bathroom, and kitchen but no hot water, no laundy. We walked across the street to Jva's apartment for showers. Did dishes by boiling water so it wasn't too bad. The laundry piled up, but only for one week.
In the meantime, Jesse took his dining room table over to his apartment and Brie tried to clean the really antique linoleum. What we found is that part would clean nicely and part was really bad. So we decided to retile over the existing floor. We bought 250 square feet of tile and on Friday night we redid the floor. Did you know that when you get older crawling around on the floor can leave you sore the next day? We finished around midnight, and then we looked at our new floor and realized that the counter- which was really gross before- now looked even worse.
On Saturday we got up and moved all the furniture out of the living room to try and polish the wood floor. The kids and g'ma left so we cleaned and polished the floor then went to the local home depot (20 miles away) to buy base board to put around the entire room. As we were driving we both decided that maybe we should go ahead and buy a new countertop. Not the tile one we had planned on putting in, but a laminate one since anything would be better than what we have. We checked on delivery time for a countertop and found out it would take over 2 weeks. So we walked over to the tile and decided that we should take the plunge and lay the ceramic tile. Long story short is they didn't have the tile CLA liked so off to the new Lowes in Chandler.
By the time the kids walked in the door Sunday, after a fun time at a play and then geocaching in the Gila Valley, we had the tile complete (except for the grout), the bathroom back together the furniture ready to put back in the living room. We worked more than we rested and since the weather was perfect we just opened up the house and got so much accomplished. The big bathroom did not get repainted, it still has purple cabinets (which isn't as gross as it sounds). We did get a new shower curtain and took down the flowers from Elise's wedding.
Now we have one week to finish the wedding preparations and do a little touch up, clean up around the house.