Ten minutes to seven and three people had dropped gifts off and told us they weren't going to be able to come. We were all a little worried that we wouldn't have anyone there. Rhaynnon was assigned the job of answering the door and taking the gifts to the gift table, she took her job quite seriously. At seven there was only the immediate family and a next door neighbor. Not too great of a turn out, but in typical MST fashion (and that isn't Mountain Standard Time) the rest of the party started arriving at promptly 7:10. There were over 25 people there and after games we opened gifts. After the gifts we had our traditional Costco Cake, which Rhaynnon helped serve.
SLO recieved a lot of really good gifts, nice things that she can use around the house, including measuring cups and a cookbook. She also received some fun stuff to decorate the house with and a big fluffy bath towel. The most exciting gift may have been the candy bra, which the bride to be modeled for us after most of the guests were gone. According to the package it is a 30 serving bra. Hairball also gave her the great gift of chocolate body paint, which she informed us was quite good. We all told her that that was WAY too much information.
And you had to pass on that information and scar those of us who weren't there to hear it first hand?? Thanks!
Looks like you guys are having a lot of excitement around there. Can't wait to see the wedding pictures. Too bad I can't be there.. Miss you guys!
It was a nice "Bath Party"
you are lucky sis niu was there or i would have gotten her something REALLY NAUGHTY muaAAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!Maybe for bear's "future" wife, i have some time to think and be creative
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