What an interesting day yesterday was. It started bright and early at 5:40 AM when abe's alarm went off. We had been called by the Stake Exec Secretary and were asked to visit with the Stake Pres at 7 am this Saturday morning. Knowing that they were planning on splitting the ward on Sunday, this was a real nerve wrenching phone call. Abe, true to form, had some inkling as to why we needed to visit with the SP. So we both put on our Sunday best and drove the 20 miles to the meeting place. We knew that he wasn't being called to be the Bishop as our current Bishop was still going to be in place. He thought that it may be the 2nd counselor, and he thought that may not be too bad. When the SP told him that he was being called as the first counselor, the full magnitude of what he was asking began to sink in. After we left the Stake Center, we drove to Cracker Barrell for breakfast. Sitting there we discussed how we thought this may change our lives, and how the ward was going to be split. Knowing it was all speculation, we discussed who would be in which ward. Would Suzy and Morris be with us? What about the Powell's or the Carpenter's? We had to wait until today to find out how the line would be drawn.
Later, we drove to Phoenix to go to Rhayn’s school. They were having a Winter Faire and so

Grandparents and other family and friends were invited to join the festivities. As we approached the school we all noticed the 30 foot climbing wall set up especially for the occasion. We all thought it looked like the National Guard was there recruiting from the really young crowd that was attending. But there weren’t any recruiters anywhere. Just a lady taking tickets for a climb up the wall. We asked Rhayn if she wanted to climb and at first she didn’t

seem interested, but soon she was ready to go. That is after her daddy told her that he knew she could do it. She climbed into the harness and was hooked to the rappelling rope. She began her ascent very confidently and other than a couple of short pauses she was on her way to the bell at the top. With a group of admirers oohing and aahing below, she made it to the very top. Pretty amazing for a such a little lady.
Then to cap the day off, our bear called and told us he would be here on Monday. And when and where he should be picked up. So we'll all be together for Thanksgiving for the first time in four years.
Sunday: The Coolidge Ward became two independent wards. The people who live within just a few miles of us, who have watched our family grow; the people who have become such an important part of our lives have now been moved to what seems like hundreds of miles away to the other ward in town. We are now members of the Coolidge Second Ward, Suzy, Morris, Brie and Scott are all part of the Coolidge First Ward. Split almost directly North and South along Coolidge Ave. New and old in both of the wards, which is how it should be. Although a lot of the members were hoping for old in one ward and new in the other. This is a better mix of young families and older families.
How exciting that he's coming home for Thanksgiving? How long will he be home for? Where is he going when he leaves? HAPPY THANKSGIVING to Abe, Anna and all the family.
hooray for uncle craig!! i have fond and not so fond memories of dad being 2nd coucilor. i hear first councilors make great bishops in the long run!! tee hee, best wishes
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