Craig called me this morning and told me the sad news.

It seems that this weekend, our dog Curplunk's husband to be was killed in a hit and run accident. For some this may seem like a silly thing, but Buddy was such a sweetheart that every one who met him thought he was one great dog. Our friends, who are obviously the dog's pets, were greatly saddened by the loss of their friend. In fact, rumor has it that Scott in all his manly attitudes, actually shed a tear or two.
It is quite amazing how an animal becomes such a part of the family. Buddy and Cur were both born in the early summer of 2002. He was a Golden Lab, and she is a German Shorthair. When we got Cur it reminded them how much they missed having a dog. Within a few months Buddy became a part of their family. Both dogs went through a bout of parvo together, they both almost died two times during that first year of life.
Yes, I complain when Cur walks past EVERYONE in the house to find me in my room and let me know that she needs to go outside. And yes, I complain when she demands her nightly treat. I really can't imagine our home without her. Animals do that, they come into your life and remind you about unconditional love, about everything good in the world.
We will miss Buddy he was our friend too. Thanks leaner for the pic of Buddy and two of the cute grandkids.
That is sad. I will miss that Big ball of fur.
ME, too! I am a bit teary eyed. He was a great dog. I sent you some pics I had of him, maybe one would be good to add to this blog entry...
It is amazing though how these animals worm their way into our hearts and families. I can't imagine your house without Curplunk! Just like I can't imagine my life without Floh, Beckham or Mean Kitty! They are "Furbabies" our other children, and we love those fluff balls!
I'm so sad for Cur - poor puppy. I sure did not want JW to get one dog, let alone 2 but now that they are here it seems they've always been a part of our lives - our 4-legged children. Never dreamed I'd ever have grandpuppies that I would send presents to.
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