Monday, September 12, 2005

Monday, Monday

So you come into work after accidently turning off the alarm, this makes you late and you forgot that the days schedule has changed and school now starts at 8 instead of 8:35. You weren't there on Thursday or Friday, so your voicemail is full, your unread email is well past the 250 mark. Three different people come in almost as soon as you open the door and you haven't had a chance to even check your mailbox (snail mail). The state wants verification on a few items, budgeting needs to be addressed, the school is looking at disallowing field trips due increases in gas prices and the teachers are concerned as they have leadership activities that need to be attended. Reviewing the calendar you notice that you have a meeting on Thursday that needs to be planned along with info on a Saturday meeting that needs to be handed out including a report for the previous years actvitities to be presented at the Saturday meeting. Sadly to say but the thought from Nemo "just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." and the second thought (also from Nemo) "that sign says es ca pe - it's spelled the same as escape," both are appropriate for the Monday morning experience.

1 comment:

leaner said...

Mondays are the worst! I wish I could go back and start yesterday all over again...