There will be water and we will be able to fish. This is a picture that we took last summer in the White Mountains. It is closer to Big Lake so it is a little higher elevation, but it is still in Arizona.
The main thing is that we are going to spend time getting to know each other a little better. So it will be a good time no matter what. Just wish everyone would be able to attend.
Our high has been around 70 the past few days so maybe it won't be too hot in AZ. We'll all pray for a little rain but hope it doesn't pour as much as when we went camping in 1980 up at Res Lake. That was way too wet. Cannot believe in 224 hours, we are going to be heading south and I can forget about work for 11 whole days. see you soon
YEAH! Looking so forward to this trip! Rhayn is, too!
Its going to be Bug's first dirty dirty experience. :)
Funny.. When I look up Payson's weather, everything I find says the highs are in the low 90's.. Is the camp ground up higher than town?? Good thing I'll have all of you to distract me from the weather!! OOOHH, I can't wait!!!
Hey, you bringing the Yahtzee??
SHe had BETTER bring yahtzee, of we will be driving into Payson to find a WALMART and buy Yahtzee~
Ok, I better bring one just in case.. I think I have one in the closet... You couldn't drag me into a Walmart.. And you could never have too much Yahtzee..
Yeah, because we could get a tournament going! HAHA! (i am so not good at Yahtzee, but its one of those fun games!)
my family doesn't have one, but I bought my mom one for a b-day a few years back, and I think she still has the cup you used to play with back when you were little, Alex's Human.
OOOH I can't wait!! I've been playing Yahtzee on my phone every day.. Trying to get some practice in.. Not that it requires any skill. It's really just a luck game..
More importantly, why do I know that first on my list of things to pack is my fire extinquisher??
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