Last weekend we ran away from home with Scott and Crystal C. We wanted to get out of the desert heat so we headed south. We knew most people would head north to the mountains, so we went to the mountains everyone forgets about. We were able to go on a hike. One of our favorite in the Chiricahuas - the trail from the Massai Point and through the heart of the rocks then down to the visitor center. It is 7.5 miles and took us a little over 3 hours. In a previous life I was a Girl Scout leader and we took about 10 eleven year old girls on this same hike. There was a lot less griping this time.
This is a pic of the duck on a rock and two dusty sweaty hikers that were on the path. Scott C wasn't able to hike so he provided shuttle service for us. After the hike we drove to the Dragoons and Cochise Stronghold and looked around there for awhile before driving back to the valley and doing a little geocaching. On Monday we drove home along the old Klondyke road and then stoopped in Eden at the Carpenter homestead where abe got stung by a bee.
I don't know.. Still looks dang hot there to me... I'm curious as to why the one hiker is holding on to that tree branch?? Nice pic though. Sounds like you guys had a fabulous time..
That sounds like a great time! I miss hiking, and its one of those "I can't wait for the kids to be older things" But I am soo enjoying this age they are now, too!
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