We bought tickets then went to Rubio's and had fish tacos. Rhayn wanted chips, she said when we got to the movie we would need to get popcorn, then some candy in a small box. We took our sodas from Rubio's into the theater and bought popcorn and Reeses Pieces. When they showed previews there was a scary one about a house that is alive. She said that it was too scary for her and we decided it was too scary for us also. After the movie we had almost two hours before we needed to pick up G'Gma C.

At the airport Grandpa spoiled her and bought her some chocolate milk from Starbucks. It was a fun day and we enjoyed spending time with her by ourselves without all the other family members around.
She has been talking NONstop about her great day with the grandparents. I know she needed something like that.
What a fun movie, Kynzie and I went and watched it tonight. Just her, me and some shared popcorn.
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