Saturday, June 16, 2007

Rate this

Last night we were standing outside after helping our friends, the Carps, wrap meat (they do that for a living) anyway, I said I was tired and abe said,
"Yeah, you've been short on your beauty sleep and it is starting to show."

So we are discussing the rudeness level of this. Please let us know how many rudeness stars (1-5) you would give this. Secondly, abe wants you to rate the humor level (1-10) Bro Carp thought that it was the funniest thing he had heard all week.


tif-do said...

I'm totally giving it a 5 on rudeness, but I'm afraid that his quick witted humor does earn him at least a 4.

Joxer's Human said...

That was pretty rude, though if it was something being said on Family Guy or other Tv show it would probably make me laugh... But before I can rate them properly, I must ask why the comment is rated on a 5 star level while the humor is on a 1-10??

Briep said...

I think it is a 5 for rudeness. But it is very cleaver and also gets a 5 because I know that I would have laughed.

Amie said...

I'm giving it a 5 and a 10. Sorry, but it is funny!