A week or so ago, she caught me in the street and told me that they still had one puppy. Five months old and they were willing to give it away. The mother had a huge litter and living in Florence it was difficult to get people to drive all the way out to buy the puppies. The down side to all of this was that this puppy was a male. After reading about the breed and finding out that they tend to be a little rambunctious, we weren't sure if we really wanted to do this. The neighbor had done a little more research on this puppy and found out that he is very calm. She told us she would bring him over so we could look at him and decide.
Now we have to come up with the perfect name for this new addition to the family. We joked about Cur-sir, Recur, Concur, etc . But no derivative of Cur would be a good idea. So any great ideas???
OH, I've always loved this kind of dog!! And I love how he looks like he's smiling in this picture!!!
Sorry I can't help with the name, but give him a big hug from me and Alex...
he is such a sweety!
Yay for Wiemies!!! Aunt Merle named theirs Elly Mae. That little boy looks like a Jethro to me :)
I am thinking of Sesame Street right now. The dogs dressed up with people hands. What a sweet dog!
SOOOOOOO?? What did you decided??????
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